CPAN112 – Fundamentals of Numeric Computing – Assignment 03

Fundamentals of Numeric Computing

CPAN 112 | Assignment 3

Simple Interest lab

Program & Assignment

Write a program to calculate simple interest given Principal, Rate, Years, Months

Part – A

Define a function to get the total time in years

  1. Ask the user to enter the value for year, months and days using the input()
  2. Define a function using a key word “def” name it get_time (year, months, days)
    Add the codes
  3. Return total time in years
    Your output should look like :
Enter year:2
Enter months:6
Enter the days:73
Total time in years is 2.7 years


Part B

Find the simple interest and must use the function created in the part I

  1. Get the value of principal and rate from the user
  2. Define a method with the key word ‘def’ and name it Simple_interest ()
    Add codes to find simple interest
  3. Call the methods to print the simple interest by calling the function from the part A
    You final output should like
Enter year:2
Enter months:6
Enter the days:73
rate(in %) :5
Total time in years is 2.7 years
Total interest earned is $ 135.0



Note: Format it yourself.

  • PART A:
    • year=int(input(“Enter Year: “))
      months=int(input(“Enter Months: “))
      days=int(input(“Enter Days: “))
      def get_time(year,months,days):
      totaltime=year + (months/12) + (days/360)
      print(“Total time in years is”, round(totaltime,1), “years”)
      return (round(totaltime,1))


  • PART B:
    • # creating variables
      year=int(input(“Enter Year: “))
      months=int(input(“Enter Months: “))
      days=int(input(“Enter Days: “))
      # Function for calculating Time in Years
      def get_time(year,months,days):
      totaltime=year + (months/12) + (days/360)
      return (round(totaltime,1))
      principle=float(input(“Enter Principle: “))
      rate=float(input(“Enter Rate (in %): “))
      # function for calculating Total Interest
      def Simple_interest():
      Simple_interest = principle * (rate/100) * get_time(year,months,days)
      return (round(Simple_interest,1))
      # function for displaying data
      def display():
      print(“Total time in years is”, get_time(year,months,days), “years”)
      print(“Total interest earned is $”, Simple_interest())
      # calling display method

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