CPAN116 – Algorithms & Problem Solving – Lab 1

Assignment Content

Lab 1 – Member discount (3%)

  • Write the steps in a new document named as Lab 1 to solve the following problem.
  • You are asked to calculate the value of the discount.
  • A video club wants to reward its best members with a discount based on the member’s number of movie rentals and the number of new members referred by the member.
  • The algorithm must ask for the number of movie rentals and new members referred by the member. The numbers must be entered as an Input.
  • Calculate the discount and is equal to
    • The sum of the rentals and the referrals
    • Divide the sum by 10.
  • It then displays the discount in percent.


Below is the sample output screen shot (green text is input):

Enter the number of movie rentals: 51

Enter the number of members referred to the video club: 3

The discount is equal to: 5.4%


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